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Repair order electronic signature

by Fast Key

Facilitated repair order electronic

signature via Fast Key

As a car dealer, it is in your best interest to ease the client repair processing. This requires the use of our Fast Key digital app : a solution compatible with all management software for your business. Discover all the advantages of using this smart tool.

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Remote OR signing

A signed repair order without displacement

In order to reduce your client's trips, use the Fast Key app and its artificial intelligence to efficiently and easily manage your vehicle fleet maintenance. Clients who still benefit from the manufacturer warranty and who wish to undertake free repairs at your workshop will be the main beneficiaries.

The tool allows to perform several tasks remotely, in particular the online repair order electronic signature. Hence, the sales department handles customer relationship management on the app

In concrete terms, all commitments between the customer and your organization are listed on the repair order. The document therefore contains: its issue date, both sides identity, but also of the vehicle with all its characteristics, the inventory of the car before it entered the workshop, the repairs to be carried out and the expected deadline to achieve them.

The difference with the traditional support system is based on the use of a digital version of the repair order. The client no longer needs to come to your premises to co-sign the document. He can now electronically sign it, as well as your agent. This means saving time for the client and your team. In just a few clicks, you're done! Everything is already automated on the app.

Sign a Repair Order at any time

Less time wasted equals satisfied clients

Obviously, welcoming a customer to your offices remains a strong moment of sharing and conviviality for a dealer in order to strengthen the relationship. However, business practices have evolved with the coming of the digital age.

Currently, client satisfaction is based on user experience. Car dealerships have understood that their clients do not necessarily have the time to come to their premises for a simple signature. This is the bottom line of this fast solution available to everyone and at no additional cost.

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Real-time monitoring of gold signatures

Operation optimal reliability

The repair order is provided in order to prevent any conflict with your client. The latter always receives the document copy and the repair order is also automatically archived in your database.

Thus there will be a permanent record of the agreement in the event of a dispute in order to figure out each side’s obligations. The repair order is not compulsory, but with the digital version, clients are more inclined to have it provided.

If the mechanic identifies additional repairs to be carried out while in progress, he can notify his client. If the latter gives the clearance for them, a new repair order is then sent to him via the app. For paid maintenance, i.e. for vehicles that have exceeded the manufacturer warranty period, the price of each repair must be indicated, as well as the cost of labour.

Other features
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Quotation sending
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Vehicle condition
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Remote invoicing
/ payment
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Keys deposit
and delivery
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Collect customer reviews

Receiving the opinion of customers after a purchase or a visit to the workshop is essential to improve their experience in your services. With its customizable interface, compatible with all DMS and CMR, our software automatically collects reviews.

Analyze with AI

The recorded data is analyzed and classified by the AI according to the feelings expressed and the themes evoked. You benefit from comprehensive reports and detailed analysis of the results to better understand your customers and target their needs.

Increase satisfaction

The assignment and monitoring of tasks then makes it possible to transform the voice of your customers by implementing automated corrective actions and sharing of good practices. Your employees are more efficient and your customers are satisfied.


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Groupe 360