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What about the digital transformation of the car dealership industry
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Car dealerships digitalization challenges

Every single economic sector has been transformed in some way or another by new technologies. By digitalizing your company’s processes and activities, you modify your business model by modernizing it and adapting it to the new expectations of your customers. Learn about the key benefits of digitally transforming your automotive repair and sales business.

Car dealerships: why go digital ?

digitalisation des concessionnaires auto

When you think about the business digitalization, you have to understand that it truly is a new era for process optimization oriented business strategy. The current digital transformation is comparable to the industrial revolution of the 18th century in many ways.

What does digital transformation mean nowadays ?

When you think about the business digitalization, you have to understand that it truly is a new era for process optimization oriented business strategy. The current digital transformation is comparable to the industrial revolution of the 18th century in many ways.

Indeed, it is disrupting processes at companies and employees level, and it is increasingly integrated into users and customers daily life. Consequently, digital transformation makes it possible to meet a triple objective:

  • Deliver the right information at the right time
  • Sell better
  • Better respond to (customer) needs.


Companies digitalization is often considered as the benchmark for integrating available digital technologies available as a whole : showcase website, social media, CRM and DMS customer relationship management software, devices and their many mobile apps, remote online payment and e-commerce, cloud infrastructure, etc. Put together and used intelligently, these technologies significantly improve productivity. To make it simple, digital transformation is the new growth leverage for companies in the 21st century. The bottom line is about improving each value chain link by injecting the innovative practices and tools of the digital economy.

What goals for a digital transformation strategy ?

A major challenge that each company is facing is to be constantly available in real time for each of its clients on several digital communication channels. This digitalization strategy provides maximum interactions, customized communication and a better user experience with more targeted services and products. The improved company’s responsiveness stimulates sales.

Why adopt our Fast Key software ?

New forms of consumption and communication are specific to Gen X, Y and Z, partners, collaborators, employees and clients. In this mobile age, with the unprecedented rise of connected tablets and smartphones, companies should take advantage of this new collective intelligence in order to create optimized experiences.

In the coming years, the already well-established phenomenon of digitalization will grow and intensify among the majority of car dealerships.

What does Fast Key do for you?

The connected devices multitasking software Fast Key gives its user the control over time and technology, without forgetting the freedom to move around while remaining as responsive as possible. Our app supports your car dealership’s digital transformation by connecting workshops with the workplace and other places where operators work. Customers, account managers, technicians and managers greatly benefit from a smarter environment.

This smart and connected solution allows for example an immediate appointment without having to waste some time in your car or in the traffic jam, but also a professional diagnosis with a simple picture of the vehicle, and a secure remote payment. One of the major advantages of the solution is the possibility of managing the deposit and delivery of the vehicle thanks to a key box and without human intervention with maximum time saving.

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rédaction or

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The repair order is a free and non-mandatory document which lists the nature and the methods of carrying out the work on your car. In this sense, it is comparable to a store’s delivery note. The RO (repair order) must provide the identity of the dealer or workshop owner and that of the client too. The vehicle description, the approved repairs inventory and the service delivery time should also be included.


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